Signs of Rabies in Children After Bites
Tingling of the Bite
Some patients experience tingling or itching at the site of the bite. The bite may be painful or numb after a rabies infection. Not every child will experience this symptom after a bite from a rabid animal. All animal bites should be taken seriously and evaluated for the possibility of rabies if the animal is not known.
Early Stage Symptoms
Symptoms in the first stage of the virus are vague and difficult to pin down as rabies. Fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting and a decrease in appetite may indicate the early stages of rabies. Children should be tested for the virus as soon as possible.
Late Stage Symptoms
Children infected with rabies in the later stages have difficulty swallowing. This symptoms is often reported as foaming at the mouth, but it is the patient's inability to swallow his saliva that causes this disturbing symptom. Children and animals become frightened at the sight of water during this stage of the virus.
Agitation and disorientation occur during this stage of rabies. Some children become paralyzed from the virus. At this stage of the virus, death can occur suddenly. Some children go into a coma before death occurs. There is no cure for rabies when the virus has reached the central nervous system.
The chance of becoming infected with the rabies virus is very low, but precautions must be taken to ensure that family pets and children are not exposed to rabid wild animals. Keep pets under supervision at all times to avoid contact with wild animals. Children should never be left alone with a pet or where contact with strange animals is possible.