Is Hep C Contagious After Treatment?
Non-chronic HCV
For about 15 to 25 percent of people infected, HCV will clear from the body permanently and without treatment. This form of HCV is not contagious after it clears.
Treatments for HCV
Anti-viral drugs, such as interferon and ribavirin, are used to treat some cases of HCV. Treatment should be discussed with a medical professional who specializes in the care of HCV patients.
Healthcare Workers
People working in the healthcare field should be extremely careful when working with HCV patients. Most cases of contamination in the healthcare industry are through needle pokes and getting splashed in the eye with blood.
In the Community
Although HCV cannot be caught through casual contact, the infection can be transmitted through contaminated blood even after treatment. This occurs through sharing needles in drug use, sharing toothbrushes, sharing razors, being exposed to menstrual blood and rarely through sexual contact.
Dried Blood
Hepatitis C can be transmitted through dried blood for up to 4 days.