Can Bugs on Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Cause Parasites in Humans?
Bugs on Fruits and Vegetables
The bugs or insects on fruits and vegetables are called phytophagous insects. When these insects go from one plant to another, they carry with them different disease organisms. When these organisms are ingested by humans they cause parasites. Nearly all animals and humans are susceptible to parasites.
Common Parasites in Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables are commonly infected with Cyclospora cayetanensis. This parasite is found in water and is transferred to produce at the farm and then transferred to the human host. Another common parasite is Giardia lamblia, which is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. It is transferred to produce by an infected food handler at the farm.
Symptoms of Parasite Infections
Parasites caused by fruits and vegetables produce diarrhea one week or less after their ingestion. This is followed by other symptoms like fatigue, cramps, nausea, flatulence, and loss of weight. The illness can last from 1 to 2 weeks; however, any chronic infestation can take months or even years to cure completely.
Avoiding Parasites from Produce
It is important to buy fresh produce from a reliable store or supplier. It is critical for food handlers to be aware of proper sanitation and the consequences of unhygienic handling of fresh foods.
Precautions at Home
If you grow your own vegetables or fruits and have pets, it is necessary to have your pets tested for parasites, which they can transfer to you via their feces. Don’t garden in soil that contains pet feces. When buying fruits and vegetables, wash them thoroughly since they are likely to have come in contact with contaminated soil.