Viral Skin Disease
Signs and Symptoms
Viral skin diseases present as different kinds of rashes. Some rashes are simple redness and warmth of the skin. Others show up as red bumps with or without fluid inside them. Fever may or may not accompany the rashes.
Chickenpox is a viral skin disease caused by the varicella virus. Although there is a vaccine against it, chickenpox is still common in children. The rash presents as fluid-filled bumps primarily around the trunk and somewhat on the face and arms.
Herpes simplex 1 presents as lesions of the face and head. Herpes simplex 2 presents as lesions in the genital area. Both are incurable, but breakouts can be controlled through medication.
Measles is a disease caused by infection with rubella virus. The rash from measles presents as large blotches that are flat and extensive throughout the body. Like with chickenpox, measles is vaccine-preventable.
Smallpox is a vaccine-preventable disease that has been eradicated since the 1970s because of widespread vaccine use. However, it is feared that it could be used as a weapon. Smallpox rashes are similar to chickenpox, but the smallpox rash is predominant in the face and arms and not as much the trunk.