Early Stages of Chickenpox
Time Frame
Pox -- the itchy red sores caused by the illness -- appear between 10 and 21 days after infection with VZV, according to Medline Plus, and continue to develop for several days.
The chicken pox rash develops in three stages, which can occur simultaneously. First, the pox appear as raised pink or red itchy bumps. These become fluid-filled blisters before drying and scabbing over, according to the Mayo Clinic.
During the course of the illness between 250 and 500 sores typically appear, according to Medline Plus. Generally only over-scratched or infected pox will leave scars.
Other Symptoms
Chicken pox can also cause fever, stomach upset, headache, irritability and dry coughing, according to the Mayo Clinic. These symptoms can occur before or at the same time as the rash. Medline Plus says most children demonstrate fever, loss of appetite or nausea a couple of days before the rash appears.
Chicken pox spreads easily. A person with chicken pox is contagious between one and two days before their rash appears and remains contagious as long as sores have not dried and healed.