Homeopathic Remedies for Distemper & Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung caused by bacteria, viruses and other organisms. It is usually triggered when a person has a weakened immune system, most commonly caused by a simple viral infection of the upper respiratory tract.
Lifestyle Changes
As with all upper respiratory tract infections, the use of vitamin C is beneficial for pneumonia. The person should take to bed and drink plenty of water. Keep the room humidified, since dry air will only worsen symptoms. To help with the affected mucous blanket, it is advisable to use herbs such as echinacea or inhalations of steam. When suffering from distemper or pneumonia, it is also beneficial to follow a diet low in carbohydrates and to avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
When possible, the patient should receive several glasses of raw juices made from oranges, pineapple or apple every two hours. Other juices can be made from spinach and/or carrots.
Homeopathic Remedies for Pneumonia
The list of homeopathic remedies for pneumonia is quite long. Aconite is considered the first line of treatment, exclusively for early stages of the disease. This remedy is excellent for dealing with pulmonary congestion. It is most beneficial when there is high fever and the cough is dry or with a thin expectoration. Once the expectoration begins to thicken, this remedy is no longer useful.
Another remedy that is useful for dealing with pulmonary congestion is Ferrum phossphoricum. This substance is useful both in the first and second stage of pneumonia, as is Iodine. When pulmonary congestion leads to severe breathing difficulty, it is also wise to use Veratrum viride. And when the patient is scared to cough due to the extreme pain this causes, the remedy called for is Bryonia.
When it comes to simple remedies for this disease, the use of sesame seeds is very beneficial. Fifteen grams of these seeds in a glass of lukewarm water with salt and honey will greatly help remove mucous from the respiratory tract. It is also recommended to rub turpentine on the external rib cage to help patients with distemper and pneumonia that have difficulty breathing. When there is no turpentine, garlic juice with sesame oil can be used instead.Another useful remedy for pulmonary congestion is Ferrum phossphoricum. This substance is useful in the first and second stage of pneumonia, as is Iodine. When pulmonary congestion leads to severe breathing difficulty, it is also wise to use Veratrum viride. And when the patient is afraid to cough due to the extreme pain this causes, the remedy called for is Bryonia.
When it comes to simple remedies for this disease, sesame seeds are often beneficial. Fifteen grams of these seeds in a glass of lukewarm water with salt and honey will generally help remove mucous from the respiratory tract. It is also recommended to rub turpentine on the external rib cage to help patients with distemper and pneumonia who have difficulty breathing. When there is no turpentine, garlic juice with sesame oil can be used instead.