How to Get Antibodies
Get sick. This is the most common way for our bodies to produce antibodies and it does so as soon as it detects the harmful antigens. Every disease caused by viruses or bacteria causes your body to produce antibodies. The common cold, the flu and tragic diseases such as AIDS all foster the development of immunoglobulins in your system. The easiest way to get sick is to come into contact with a sick person. Shake their hands and touch their face. Don't wash your hands afterwards and touch your mouth and eyes frequently. Whatever is making them sick will be introduced into your system.
Have an allergic reaction. Besides getting ill, these reactions are also met with the production of immunoglobulins by your immune system. Allergic reactions are caused by the introduction of harmful allergens to your body. Eat something you are allergic too if you have food allergies. Walk through some tall grass and breathe deeply. An allergic reaction will occur as long as your system is sensitive to these allergens. Be cautious when attempting this as many people have severe reactions to certain allergens, and despite the massive buildup of antibodies, their bodies will still begin to shut down if they don't quickly seek medical attention.
Get immunized. Immunizations are very small doses of a virus introduced into your system by a trained medical professional. For example, the flu shot contains a sample of the most recent version of influenza. This amount is not enough to get you sick, but your body will detect it and produce the antibodies necessary to keep you safe from further infection. Ideally, this process leaves your body effectively immune to the disease.