How to Get Rid of the Flu Faster
Drink plenty of water and fresh juices. Your body will rid itself of the flu by sweating it out. You need to replenish your body with liquids to help continue fighting the flu and to prevent dehydration.
Stay away from caffeine. Caffeine actually dehydrates your body more and makes it harder to fight the flu. Not drinking anything with caffeine while having the flu will fortify the body with more sweat to fight the virus.
Sleep and rest as much as possible. Your body is devoting its resources and energy to fight off the invading virus. Sleeping more will help the body in its fight. Also, when not sleeping, try exerting yourself as little as possible. You are sick; let someone else take care of you.
Avoid dairy products. Milk, cheese and other dairy products will produce excessive mucus and can lead to breathing and other respiratory problems while fighting the infection.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco products. Both will further dehydrate your body and can also make you sicker by introducing more toxins into your body for your defenses to fight.