How Do I Get Rid of a Cold Sore Quickly?
Things You'll Need
- Cold pack or ice cubes
- Witch hazel or aloe vera
- Petroleum jelly
- Over-the-counter medication containing Docosanol
- Antiviral prescription medication
Apply a cold pack or ice cubes to the affected area. This can help relieve the painful symptoms associated with cold sores as well as slow down the outbreak's progression.
Avoid eating salty and acidic foods such as products that contain vinegar and tomatoes. These types of foods increase your body's acidity, so avoid them to lessen the outbreak's severity.
Apply witch hazel or aloe vera gel directly to the cold sore to help speed up the healing process. After the application, wash your hands with warm water and soap, which will help prevent the spread of the virus that causes cold sores. These and other homeopathic remedies have not been scientifically tested, however, and are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Apply petroleum jelly or any other skin protectant to the affected area. These helps keep the skin moist and protect it from further irritation, which could negatively affect the outbreak.
Apply an over-the-counter medication that contains docosanol. These products, such as Abreva, applied to the affected area daily can decrease the time required for the cold sores to heal, according to MedicineNet. This medication is generally applied five times a day until the cold sore has healed.
Obtain a prescription for oral antiviral medications, such as acyclovir and famciclovir. These medications, according to, can shorten the outbreak's duration if taken when the first symptoms are noticed.