Signs & Symptoms of Human Papilloma Virus in the Lungs
Respiratory Obstruction
When the human papilloma virus invades the respiratory system, it is common for respiratory obstructions to occur. The virus produces multiple tumors that grow inside the larynx, respiratory tract and lungs. The tumors--papillomas--vary in size and can expand and reproduce at a rapid rate. Ultimately, the reproduction and growth of the tumors will create an obstruction that can lead to serious difficulty breathing for the infected person.
Difficulty Breathing
Difficulty breathing, also known as dyspnea, is a symptom often associated with laryngeal papillomatosis. There are two main types of breathing difficulties commonly experienced by people suffering from the disease. Hypopnea reduces the amounts of breaths taken to less than eight per minute for the average adult. Tachypnea, or rapid breathing, increases the amount of breaths per minute to 16 or more. Since the average healthy number of breaths per minute for an adult is 8 to 12, both of these conditions are serious health hazards and require medical attention.
Hoarseness, an abnormally deep and rough voice, may occur as a result of HPV-related laryngeal pallomatosis. Hoarseness occurs when inflammation is present in the vocal chords. If your larynx is afflicted with papillomas tumors caused by HVP in the lungs, it is likely that you will develop a coarse and scratchy-feeling, sore throat and suffer from hoarseness.
Difficulty Swallowing
Difficulty swallowing may also occur in cases of laryngeal papillomatosis caused by HPV. As in many other diseases and afflictions of the throat, soreness, inflammation and obstructions can cause irritations and weakness to the throat muscles and reduce the amount of room in which solids, liquids and saliva must pass.
Chronic Coughing
When combined with other symptoms, such as hoarseness and breathing difficulties, chronic coughing is can be a typical sign of laryngeal papillomatosis. Due to the tumorous obstructions growing in the larynx and inflamed respiratory tract, severe irritation may occur in the throat. The natural bodily reaction is to cough when irritations and obstruction affect the throat, hence chronic and uncontrollable coughing may occur.