Natural Home Remedies for Parvovirus
Ginger, known scientifically as Zingiber officinale, is a common herbal supplement that individuals take in a tincture or extract form. Many individuals also use the root of the ginger plant for cooking, particular with Asian cuisine. According to Ayurvedic Cure, feeding ginger to a pet suffering from parvo is a safe and effective way to curb its digestive difficulties. Ginger increases the flow of fluids in the digestive tract and helps neutralize acidic buildup, which can often lead to nausea. The plant can also help cure virus-related indigestion, vomiting and flatulence in your pet.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa), also known as haldi and haridra, is a yellow-flowered plant that cooks commonly grind down to a powder to use as a seasoning and coloring agent for foods, particularly with Indian cuisine. According to Ayurvedic Cure, feeding turmeric to your parvo-infected pet can help increase its resistance to the virus, and decrease troubling symptoms like digestive problems and high temperature.
Some pets that suffer from parvovirus are unable to retain water and have difficulty drinking. According to Wolf Creek Ranch, in order to provide your pet with the essential fluids it needs in this situation, giving it an enema is a good option. You can use a sterilized syringe or another type of long-stemmed applicator, such as a turkey baster. Fill your applicator with water, insert the end of it into your dog's rectum, and gently push in the fluid.
Proper Parvo Diet
Due to the digestive problems your pet suffering from parvovirus will incur, feeding it standard hard food, or kibble, is not a good option. According to Wolf Creek Ranch, this is because your pet will have difficulties breaking down the rigid food, which may cause additional digestive problems. Instead, feed your sick pit some items that are softer on the stomach such as scrambled eggs, plain yogurt, cooked rice and chicken, raw or cooked ground turkey or beef, chicken gizzard, necks and heart, or raw or cooked liver. The latter is particularly helpful because it contains lots of vitamin A, which will help combat anemia that may result from your pet's bloody diarrhea.