Tag Wart Removal
Have the growth examined by your doctor to determine if it is indeed a skin tag. Moles and other growths on the skin can be dangerous and are treated differently than a skin tag.
Skin examinations are part of most regular checkups. The doctor will examine your skin from head to foot, looking for moles and other potentially dangerous skin growths. During this examination, the doctor can detect skin tags as well.
Over-the-Counter Treatment
Use an over-the-counter wart remover to get rid of the skin tag at home. The products, which contain salicylic acid, will remove the growth over time---although it may take several weeks before it completely disappears. Apply the salicylic acid topically according to the manufacturer's directions, or choose a product that uses treated adhesive bandages. Remove the bandage every day and use a pumice stone to remove the dead skin.
You may have to repeat the procedure again in the future. Over-the-counter medications for skin tags and warts are not necessarily a permanent solution. The salicylic acid dissolves the protein on the surface of the growth, but the stalk that the skin tag is attached to may remain in place, allowing for the growth to come back.
The doctor's office provides other methods for the removal of a skin tag. A ligation procedure, in which a suture is tied around the neck of a skin tag, eliminates the blood supply to the growth, causing it to die. Excision cuts the skin tag out of your skin. Cryosurgery freezes the skin growth, causing it to fall off, and cauterization burns the skin tag off of your skin. Any of these procedures may result in the scarring of your skin. Choose the method that will best serve the location of your skin tag. For instance, a skin tag or wart on the face will require a delicate procedure that will leave behind as little scarring as possible.