Over-the-Counter Wart Removal
Salicylic Acid
Most over-the-counter wart removal products on the market contain salicylic acid. It is important that you follow the directions on the package to avoid harming the surrounding skin.
Products containing salicylic acid come in the form of a topical solution or adhesive pads that are already treated. Treat your warts according to the package directions and slough off the dead skin as directed with a pumice stone. The process may take as much as 12 weeks to completely remove a wart that is stubborn to treatment.
Some over-the-counter products contain silver nitrate that is applied to the wart with a caustic pencil. Use care when using this product to avoid staining your clothing or skin.
Duct Tape
Duct tape can be used in the same way as over-the-counter adhesive pads. Cover your wart with the tape and leave it on during the day. At night remove the tape and wash off the wart. Pumice the wart to remove the dead skin.
Dr. Dean Focht III of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center claims that the adhesive in the tape irritates the wart and causes the immune system to attack the growth. The treatment with duct tape is much less painful than other wart removal procedures.
Herbal Treatments
Some have found success using herbal remedies for wart removal. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that you apply directly to the wart.
Use raw garlic mixed with vitamin E oil and make a poultice. Cover the wart and garlic mixture with a bandage and keep it covered for at least 24 hours. When you remove the bandage a blister will have formed over the wart. The home remedy should remove the wart after a week.
Always have your doctor examine a wart before using any home or over-the-counter remedy. The wart should be examined to make sure that it is a common wart and not a more serious condition.