How to Get Rid of a Hanging Wart
A hanging wart, more commonly referred to as a skin tag, is a piece of skin that literally droops or hangs. They can be large or small, and are most commonly found in areas where skin is thin or rubs against other skin or clothing. For example, they often occur in the armpits or on the neck, eyelids, chest or even the groin region. According to, nearly half of the U.S. population has them at some point or another. Although they are harmless, most people want to remove skin tags for aesthetic purposes.Things You'll Need
- Thread or dental floss
- Bandage
- Scissors
- Rubbing alcohol
- Gauze
- Over-the-counter product
- Liquid nitrogen
- Medical electric cautery
DIY Remedy
Tie a piece of thread or dental floss around the base of the hanging wart.
Pull tightly on the thread and make sure it is tight enough so that it won't fall off.
Place a bandage over the thread.
Leave the thread on the hanging skin tag for several days. It will likely fall off on its own. If it doesn't, repeat the process.
Alternative Treatments
Sterilize a pair of scissors by soaking them rubbing alcohol. Cut the hanging wart off with the sterilized scissors and place a bandage over the removed wart. It may bleed, so extra gauze should be close at hand. Change bandages as necessary.
Use an over the counter product for wart removal. These can be purchased at a pharmacy, online or from your doctor. Some popular brands include Dermisil and Amoils.
Freeze the wart with a liquid nitrogen injection. This treatment should only be administered by your doctor.
Burn the hanging wart off with a medical electric cautery. Again, this is something that only your physician should do.