Banana Peel Wart Remedy
If you don't plan to eat the banana, you can buy the smallest one possible to use for your wart remedy. Peel the banana and cut off a piece of the peel that is large enough to cover your wart. Make sure it is not too large, since you will be wearing it on your body as part of the remedy. Place it against the wart, with the inner part of the peel against your skin. Tape it firmly in place with a piece of first aid tape.
You must repeat the process until your wart is completely gone. Health 911 says the banana peel must be taken off for showing or bathing, so you should apply a fresh piece when you are done. Wash the wart and file down any dead skin with a pumice stone before taping on the new piece of peel. This process must be followed until the wart disappears completely.
The banana peel remedy for warts can take several weeks, or even months, to completely cure a wart. However, some medical remedies, such as salicylic acid, may require a similar timeframe to work. According to the Clinical Evidence website, acid products can take up to three months to get rid of a wart.
Although most resources recommend using a ripe banana, Health 911 says that some folk remedies say you should use an unripe banana. This is supposedly because the peels have more concentrated compounds in them before the banana ripens. Other types of fruit are also said to be effective wart remedies. According to Health 911, these include pineapples, lemons and papayas. Pineapple should be applied directly to the wart, while remedies with lemons and papayas only use the juice.