Most Effective Treatment for Resistant Warts
The Mayo Clinic says that your body's immune system may be able to get rid of warts that do not respond to physical removal treatments like acid or freezing. Immunotherapy usually involves using topical medications that stimulate an immune response. However, a doctor may inject medication into the most resistant warts.
Retinoids are medications that are made from vitamin A. According to the Mayo Clinic, they can impede a wart's skin cells from growing. Retinoids can be applied as a topical cream or taken as an oral medication.
Bleomycin is a medication that can be injected into a wart to kill the virus that causes it. According to the Mayo Clinic, this medication is most commonly used as a cancer treatment. However, it is sometimes used for resistant warts in lower doses.
Laser Surgery
Resistant warts can be removed with laser surgery. However, this is an expensive option, and warns that it may leave a scar. It is usually reserved for warts that have not responded to any conventional, less-invasive treatments.