Can You Transmit Warts From Your Hands to Your Genitals?
Warts can grow on the hands and fingers. There are at least six types of warts: a common wart, genital warts, plantar (on the bottom of the feet), palmer (on the palm of the hand), filiform and flat wart. A wart forms when the virus, the HPV or human papillomavirus, infects the skin through a scratch, cut or sore. The virus causes the skin cells in the infected area to grow very quickly, but they stay on the surface of the skin and don't go too deeply.
Warts are contagious. The virus is easily spread by physical contact or even contact with sheets or towels. However, transmitting common warts from the hands to the genitals isn't likely at all since genital warts are a different strain from other warts, and transmitting genital warts to the hands is just as unlikely. All warts should be treated to avoid transmission, especially genital warts, which are extremely contagious through sexual contact.
Since warts are growths on the skin, most people will notice an abnormality on their hands or feet, but in the case of genital warts, the wart may be hidden in folds of the skin or internally, especially in women. If a person has warts on their hands and the has hand to genital contact, the hand warts cannot produce a case of genital warts. If genital warts are diagnosed, transmission happened through sexual contact.
It's difficult to prevent warts, but maintaining a healthy and strong immune system helps fight off the virus, just like a good immune system helps with the common cold. Even though warts on the hands cannot spread warts to the genitals, in the process of foreplay, the warts could infect the other partners hands. To prevent genital warts, condoms should always be used. Common warts can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications like salicylic acid that are applied directly onto the wart. Warts should be removed by a doctor by freezing or, in cases of genital warts, surgically removed.
Genital warts are especially contagious. Most common warts are not harmful and will generally go away on their own, however, the virus will always remain in the body. There is no way to eliminate the virus once it has invaded the body. There is a very real danger in some of the strains of genital warts. The strains of concern can cause cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear will show if genital warts are present.