Common Wart Remedy
Topical Common Wart Remedies
Aside from allowing common warts to disappear on their own, salicylic acid gel is the most cost-efficient remedy. However, it may take several weeks of applications to completely remove the warts. You can purchase salicylic acid gel at your local drug store without a prescription.
Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that serve as common wart remedies by altering your common warts' skin cell growth. These can be prescribed as either topical or oral treatments.
Your doctor may find cantharidin to be a better remedy for your common warts. Cantharidin is "painted" onto to your wart, creating a blister that separates the wart from your skin. Your doctor can then remove the dead wart.
Bleomycin, also known as blenoxane, is another medication that must be applied by your doctor. Bleomycin is an antiviral injection only used in the most extreme of common wart treatment. Your doctor would inject bleomycin directly into your warts.
Cryotherapy Common Wart Remedy
Cryotherapy is a common wart remedy in which your doctor applies liquid nitrogen to your warts to freeze them. Once frozen, the warts blister and die. Your doctor can later remove the dead tissue from the affected area. This is a minimally painful procedure that is usually effective. However, you may need to undergo cryotherapy treatment on multiple occasions, as the virus may remain present after the wart is removed.
Surgical Common Wart Remedies
Surgery may be your best common wart remedy alternative if none of the topical remedies are effective. Simpler procedures include using an electric needle to cut away wart tissue. This requires a local anesthetic injection that may cause pain. Laser surgery is a more elaborate and expensive solution. Both procedures can leave scars, which might negate possible cosmetic benefits of common wart removal.