How to Kill a Foot Wart on My Child's Foot
Wait for three to six months to see if the foot warts disappear on their own. Dr. Greene says that 25 percent of plantar warts on children will be gone in six months without any treatment, and 65 percent will disappear in two years. However, you may not want to wait quite that long to kill the foot warts if they are painful or bothering your child.
Use an over-the-counter plantar wart treatment. You can purchase medicated pads that can be placed on your child's foot to cover and kill his warts. Dr. Greene says you may want to talk to your child's doctor to confirm that he has a foot wart before you start at-home treatment.
Call your child's doctor for an appointment if the home treatment doesn't eliminate the foot warts. Some plantar warts will not respond to over-the-counter treatments. The doctor can use something stronger to eradicate a stubborn problem.
Discuss potential treatments with the doctor. The Mayo Clinic says that most physicians use the least painful method when treating a child for foot warts. This will likely be a combination of cantharidin, a liquid extracted from blister beetles, and salicylic acid. This will not cause pain, although your child may have some discomfort as a blister develops after the treatment.
Return to the doctor in a week so she can clip the dead skin off your child's foot. The Mayo Clinic says the child's foot wart should be killed along with the surrounding skin. The entire area can be removed painlessly during this treatment. This will cure the plantar wart.