Plantar Wart Natural Remedy
Use any type of duct tape to cover your plantar wart. Cut off a piece that will completely cover the wart and affix it to the bottom of your foot, pressing it firmly in place. You can use one large piece of tape if you have several plantar warts in the same area. The duct tape should be left on for six days. If it falls off before the end of that period, replace it with a fresh piece.
At the end of six days, remove the duct tape from your plantar warts and soak your foot in warm water for 20 minutes. You can soak in a foot bath or relax your whole body, including your feet, in a tub bath.
After soaking your plantar warts, use a clean emery board or pumice stone to to rub them down and remove any dead skin while the skin is still wet and soft. Rub gently so you don't cause the warts to bleed, as they can be spread through blood. Don't use the emery board or stone for any other purpose, as this can also spread the warts.
Put a new piece of duct tape on your plantar wart the day after you rub it down. You must repeat the process of taping, soaking, and rubbing your plantar warts until they are completely gone. The Mayo Clinic says this can take as long as two months. Researchers believe it takes some time to work because you have to wait for your body's immune system to fight the warts. Researchers believe that this natural treatment irritates the warts and the skin surrounding them, which stimulates the immune response that eventually destroys the warts.