Flat Wart Remedy
Medicines and Lasers
A doctor can prescribe a medication designed to help treat flat warts. These are generally rather effective, but must be obtained through a licensed physician. Doctors can also recommend laser surgery, which can quickly eliminate visible signs of warts. Talk to a health care professional for more details.
Vitamin A
Some doctors recommend direct application of liquid vitamin A from a supplement capsule to treat warts. Usually this comes in the form of fish oil. Simply apply a small amount to the flat wart area every day and results can be seen in a few weeks, with full results usually being achieved after a month.
Folk Remedies
Folk remedies for warts are varied and some might seem a little strange. However, there have been many folk wart-removal techniques that proven to be effective. Below are some common folk remedies for warts.
Banana peels have been known to help reduce both plantar and flat warts. Cut a piece of banana peel large enough to cover the wart or wart area, and attach it using tape with the inside of the peel towards the warts. Doing this every night before bed can produce results in a few weeks.
Simply rubbing warts daily with white chalk is believed to help in eliminating them.
Baking soda and water, mixed and applied three times a day, is another popular method said to help get rid of warts.
Though it may be difficult if warts are on the face, covering them with duct tape or medical tape at all times--replacing the tape only when it starts to lose its stickiness--can also aid in eliminating warts.