How to Remove Gental Warts
Make an appointment with your doctor. Genital warts are located in a very sensitive area. Over-the-counter wart removal products may cause damage because they are not meant for use on the genital. You should consult a medical professional rather than trying to remove them yourself.
Tell the doctor how long you have had the warts, where they are located and how many you have. He will examine the area to confirm this information and note any other factors that might affect the removal treatment choice.
Try the first method recommend by the doctor. The CDC says that many physicians will prescribe a cream or removal solution that you can apply at home as the first line of treatment. These substances can take up to 16 weeks to completely remove the genital warts.
If your genital warts are not gone within the appropriate time frame, make another appointment with your doctor to try an alternate removal method. The CDC says that doctors can freeze off the warts or apply a more powerful removal substance. You may need to return several times, as it make take multiple sessions to remove your genital warts with these methods.
If freezing, creams and other substances are not effective, discuss surgical options with your doctor. Genital warts can be removed through surgical cutting or with a laser if all other removal methods fail.