Fastest Way to Get Rid of Warts
Make an Appointment with the Doctor
Doctors are able to remove warts through freezing them off with liquid nitrogen or removing them surgically. This would be the most efficient method of getting rid of warts as it does not require much time other than going into the doctor's office to have the procedure performed. But it can take some time to heal if the wart is removed surgically.
Go to the Pharmacy
Products that contain salicylic acid, like Compound W and Dr. Scholl's, are one of the most effective ways to get rid of warts. The wart should be soaked in warm water for 10 minutes or so, making the skin soft so it will absorb the acid. When applying the product, make sure it touches as little of the surrounding skin as possible because of the propensity of salicylic acid to burn. These remedies can take several weeks and cannot be used on the delicate skin of the face or neck.
Over-the-counter liquid nitrogen is also available. This is similar to the product used by doctors but may not be as effective.
At-Home Remedies
There are also a number of treatments that can be done with materials found around the home. Applying a small piece of duct tape to the wart so that it does not have air or light will eventually kill it off. Make sure the tape is secure around all areas and keep it on for as long as possible. If you can keep the tape on for six days, this should do the trick. The longer the tape can stay on, the faster the wart will go away. After the tape has been removed, use an emery board to file down the dead skin.
Another remedy that can be done easily at home is to soak the wart in hot water for 15 minutes a day. The water has to be hot enough (at least 110 to 113 degrees) to kill the papilloma virus. After the skin has begun to soften, use an emery board to file down the dead skin. This could take anywhere from a week to 14 days.