Candida Plantar Warts Treatment
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is best known as the key ingredient in fighting pimples. It is also the same ingredient found in many wart removal products. If you use these products to get rid of warts, you must adhere to the instructions on the label. There are several risks involved with using salicylic acid to remove warts, so precautions should be taken. Do not use an excess amount or salicylic acid poisoning may ensue. Do not use if you have overly sensitive skin or it is irritated or reddened. Also, pregnant women should not use salicylic acid on warts because strong chemicals may cause birth defects. If any pain or burning is felt, wash the product off immediately and cease use. Salicylic acid is potent and can be a viable option to get rid of warts without seeing a doctor.
Dermisil is another medication that is commonly found in stores or on the Internet. You have the option of using a topical medication, capsules or a combination of both. This is a gentler medication than salicylic acid products and takes a little longer to see results, usually three to four weeks. The course of treatment for Dermasil should last no less than four months to get the most benefit. The Dermasil treatment program as a combination of pills and topicals is a little over $100 for a 30-day supply.
Wartrol is an oral over-the-counter medication that is more potent that Dermisil. It is a liquid, and most often results can be seen in as little as two weeks. It does not cure warts but can reduce the number of outbreaks and eliminate existing warts. For the best results, Wartrol should be used for three months. A one-month supply of Wartrol is about $50.
Condysil is a topical gel that can help treat plantar warts. It is available in drugstores on on the Internet. Results can usually be seen in about two to four months. Since this product contains only 5 percent salicylic acid, it is gentler for those who have sensitive skin. Most wart removal products contain at least 17 percent salicylic acid.
Use all of these products at your own risk. They are identified as helping control and eliminate genital wart outbreaks, but results will differ for everyone. They are to be used as alternative therapies, and only your doctor can perform procedures to eliminate warts altogether