How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts in Children
Plantar warts are those that break out on a person's feet. Children can develop plantar warts by walking through areas where the virus thrives, such as swimming pools and locker rooms. Although you can get these warts at any age, according to the Podiatry Channel they usually affect children ages 12 to 16. You may be able to get rid of the warts at home. If not, consult a doctor. The Mayo Clinic says that most doctors prefer to treat plantar warts in children by using the least destructive method possible.Instructions
Apply an over-the-counter (OTC) product containing salicyclic acid to your child's plantar warts. This is the simplest treatment, and it is effective in many cases. The easiest products to use with children are those that have acid on an adhesive pad. Simply stick the pad over the warts and replace as needed until the warts disappear.
If OTC treatment is not effective, take your child to the doctor. She can use a stronger substance on the plantar warts. According to the Mayo Clinic, doctors typically use a mix of salicyclic acid and cantharidin. It will be put on the skin and covered with a bandage. Applying this mix is painless, which makes it ideal for treating children. However, it will form a skin blister that can cause some discomfort.
Return to the doctor in a week to have the blister clipped off your child's foot. The salicyclic acid and cantharidin mix will create a blister around the plantar warts. When the doctor removes it, the warts will come off along with the dead skin.
If the treatment was not successful, take the child back to the doctor for alternative treatment. She may decide to freeze off the plantar warts. Liquid nitrogen is applied, causing a blister (and minor pain). The warts will slough off on their own within a week.