Can You Get Rid of HPV?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 million Americans between the ages of 15 and 49 are currently infected with HPV.
According to the CDC there is no therapy available to cure HPV. There is treatment available for genital warts and cervical cancer, which are both associated with HPV.
The Association of Reproductive Health Professionals states that the virus is very common and it usually goes away on its own in healthy individuals. This association advises all sexually active women to get a HPV test every three years, because the test can detect abnormal cells.
The Center for Disease control also states that the only real means of prevention is abstinence.The use of condoms and routine screening can help prevent some forms of the virus in women. There isn't an HPV test available for men.
There are over 100 different types of the virus. Some forms can lead to cervical cancer or genital warts.