Wart Removal Recipe
Applying the Duct Tape
In order to apply the duct tape, cut it so it is small enough to cover just the wart. Wash and dry the area well, and then stick the duct tape directly onto the wart. Leave the duct tape on for six days. If it falls off of the wart, wash and dry the wart and reapply another piece of duct tape to the area for the remainder of the six-day period.
Reapplying the Duct Tape
At the end of the sixth day, remove the tape from the wart. Soak the wart in water for several minutes, then gently rub a pumice stone over it. Leave the wart exposed overnight and then reapply the tape. Continue this procedure for several weeks or until the wart disappears.
Adverse Reactions
Although the side effects from this method of wart removal are much more subtle than side effects from other wart treatments, they still can exist. Some people who use this method of wart removal might experience minor irritation at the site of the duct tape. They also may have difficulty keeping the tape in place. (To remedy this, avoid wetting the area as much as possible during the treatment.) But compared to the side effects of cyrotherapy, which include severe pain at the treatment site, this method is much less painful.