Natural Way to Get Rid of Warts
Duct Tape
Cut a piece of duct tape big enough to completely cover the wart. Place the duct tape directly on top of the wart and leave it there for six days. If the duct tape falls off before the six days are up, simply cut another piece and put it back on the wart. On the seventh day, before you go to sleep, remove the duct tape and soak the wart in water. Then use a tool like an emery board to gently remove any dead skin. If the skin is still wet, dry it off. Put on another piece of duct tape, removing it the following morning and replacing it with a fresh piece. Repeat these steps until your wart is completely gone.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Another natural remedy involves coating the skin around the wart with petroleum jelly at bedtime and then dipping a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Apply this treated cotton ball directly to the wart, wrap it in one-inch-thick medical tape, and leave it on while you sleep. In the morning, remove the cotton ball. Repeat this process every night for about a month.
Other Natural Options
Along with the two already mentioned, there are some other natural options you might want to try to remove warts. One is to mix brown soap and spit into a plaster and apply it to the warts, leaving it on for 24 hours. When you remove the plaster, the warts, along with their roots, should come off as well. Another natural option involves either putting a drop of milkweed juice on the wart or rubbing a piece of wild turnip on the wart several times. Yet another method is to fry the roots of pokeweed in hot grease and apply the grease directly to the wart. After doing this for four or five times, the wart should come off.
Some purported wart cures sound more like superstition than they do anything else; however, if warts really can be cured by psychosomatic suggestions, then it doesn't really matter which treatment you choose. All that really matters is that you truly believe that it will work. As a result, numerous natural wart cures exist other than the ones mentioned in this article. All you have to do is find the one that suits you.