Wart Removal Homemade Remedies
Duct Tape
Duct tape is said to have a million uses Cut a small piece of duct tape just big enough to cover the wart. Leave the duct tape on for five or six days. After this time, remove the tape and soak the wart in warm water for about 15 minutes. Next, lightly scrub it with pumice stone. If the wart persists, repeat the process for at least another week or two. If the duct tape method is not successful, there are several other home remedies to try.
Believe it or not, there was a recent study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine that supported the efficacy of duct tape as a method for removing warts.
Aloe Vera
The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries as a healing agent. It may also be effective in getting rid of warts. Soak a small cotton ball in aloe vera (gel or juice). After about 1 minute, take the soaked cotton ball and tape it to the warty area. Repeat this process every few hours, as the aloe vera will eventually dry out. The wart should be gone in a few days to a week.
Several oils are reputed to rid the body of unsightly warts. They are all basically applied in the same fashion. Apply the oil directly to the wart. Do this several times throughout the day and the wart should disappear within two weeks. Some of the types of oil to look for are tea tree, caster and essential lemon.
Other Options
Other home remedies include the use of garlic, raw potatoes and even the milk from a dandelion stem. With so many homemade options available, a more difficult task than getting rid of the wart will be deciding how to do it.
Over-the-counter wart removers are popular and can be found in most retail outlets. They range from medicated bandages to kits that freeze the warts off. These products are useful if home remedies are not effective or desired.
If warts continue to persist or are especially problematic, it may be time to consult your doctor. A dermatologist may suggest additional treatments, including surgery.