Wart Viruses Home Remedies
Salicylic Acid
You can buy over the counter wart medicines and patches that employ salicylic acid at most drug stores. The most effective remedies, such as Compound W and Occlusal-HP, use 17 percent salicylic acid. Apply the solution to the wart daily for a few weeks to totally remove it. It also works best if you soak the wart in warm water before applying the medication. You want to file away dead skin before applying the acid. Follow the directions properly and ask your physician if unsure about the instructions.
Duct Tape
According to the Mayo Clinic, a 2002 study showed that the duct tape method is effective for curing warts. This entails covering the affected area with duct tape for six days. Once the time period passes, soak the warts in warm water and then file down the dead skin. You may need to repeat this process for up to two months. This method is inexpensive and there is little risk of side effects. Researchers believe it works by aggravating the wart and stimulating the immune system to attack the virus.
Don't clip down or cut your wart. Cells can fall on the floor and spread the virus. Also, don't use the same nail file for your fingernails that you use on your wart. Once again, this can spread the virus. If you have warts near your fingernails, don't bite them. This could allow the HPV into your mouth. Also, don't pick at your warts. If you have a child with warts, covering them with a bandage should prevent picking. Since warts grow in moist environments, keep hands clean and dry.