Viral Wart Treatments
Home Remedies
Home remedies and over-the-counter medications have proven to be effective in removing unsightly warts at the surface of the skin. Common home remedies include applying a poultice of salicylic acid to the wart or wrapping the area in duct tape for a period of time. Popular over-the-counter medications can help to dissolve the wart when used as directed. All of these methods can leave the surrounding skin tender and raw. Because the virus that caused the wart in the first place has not be eradicated, chances of a recurrence are high.
Professional Treatment
Consult your family doctor or dermatologist for the treatment of stubborn warts that do not respond to home remedies. The doctor may recommend freezing the wart or the use of cantharidin. Both of these remedies work by blistering the skin beneath the wart, allowing the dead tissue to slough off or be removed.
In drastic cases a doctor may recommend laser surgery or minor surgery to remove the wart. Surgery is typically thought of as a last resort because it is expensive and may leave a scar.