Wart Remedies
Duct Tape
The duct tape method involves placing a wart remover that contains salicylic acid directly onto a wart. Cover the wart with duct tape after applying the wart remover. Each time you take a shower, remove the duct tape and scrub the excess skin with a pumice stone. Dry the area and repeat the process until the wart is completely gone.
Your doctor may recommend freezing your wart. In this method, he or she will apply liquid nitrogen directly to your wart, causing some discomfort. If the wart does not respond or fall off quickly, you may have to return for up to six sessions. Eventually, the wart will freeze completely and fall off. If you're not interested in seeing a doctor, you can buy a home wart-freezing kit over the counter. The kits come in one-treatment packs. While painful, self-freezing can be effective on smaller warts.
In this method, your doctor will apply a chemical called cantharidin directly to your wart. Although it is initially painless, in a few hours you will experience painful blistering of the wart. Your doctor will have you return a few days later to have any excess skin that has built up around the wart removed. If the wart has not disappeared, your doctor may try cantharidin again.
Surgical Removal
If your wart is especially big or deep, your doctor may suggest surgical removal. Surgically removing a wart is a simple outpatient procedure in which your doctor will numb the area around the wart. Next, he will scrape off the wart with a surgical knife, or he may choose to use a laser. The area will be dressed and bandaged. Depending on where the wart is, you may have to walk on crutches for a few days after the surgery or refrain from using your hand for regular activities.