Types of Warts on a Hand
Hand warts are uncomfortable but common. Warts are a form of human papilloma virus (HPV) that can occur when the skin grows faster than normal. Warts are contagious and because children are more active, they are more susceptible. They can be passed through direct or indirect contact. Anyone can get a wart and they can also transmit the wart to other parts of their body. Most people with a healthy immune system can fight off HPV within two to three years, but there is no known cure for this virus.
There are two types of warts that generally grow on the hands. The verruca vulgaris is a hard dome-shaped wart is that is small in size and usually grayish-brown in color. The surface appears to be in the shape of the head of a cauliflower with black dots inside. Flat warts may also appear on the hand, it has a smooth flat surface and it is tan or flesh tone in color. Flat warts will normally grow in large numbers.
The size of a wart is dependent on its location and irritation. They typically range from two to 10 mm in diameter. Some forms of warts are flat while others are raised. There can be up to 100 flat warts in a cluster. Flat warts are the about the size of a pin head. Common warts on the hand can vary from round to irregular in shape.
There is a misconception that HPV is only a sexually transmitted disease when in fact there are over 130 forms of HPV. This virus is among the most common skin infections because it is present in any place with water and moisture. It should also be known that when a person comes in contact with the virus there is a higher risk to contract another form of the HPV virus. The virus that causes hand warts can affect anyone regardless of age or gender.
To reduce the risk of HPV, it is important to maintain a healthy immune system. To help prevent the spread of hand warts, do not bite the finger nails near a wart. It is harder to control warts in a moist environment, so it is also important to dry your hands often. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly after touching a wart. Freezing the wart, cutting it off or burning it are the traditional way to remove a wart. There are also over the counter treatments for wart removal that are safe and less painful.