Home Remedies for Warts on Hands
Duct Tape
Clean the hand with antibacterial soap and water, then dry thoroughly with a clean towel. Take a large piece of duct tape and attach it directly over the wart. Trim the duct tape with scissors so it overlaps about 1 inch on every side of the wart. If possible, try not to submerge your hand in water and tie a plastic bag around your hand while in the shower. Remove the tape after one week. The wart should come off with the tape. If it does not come off, place a new piece of duct tape on the area and leave it on for another week.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Prepare a solution of one part water and one part apple cider vinegar. Store it in a large airtight container. Every day after getting out of the shower, put your hand in the apple cider vinegar solution for one minute. Dry the area, but do not wash the solution off your hand. Repeat this process every day after getting out of the shower until the wart has disappeared. If you experience any redness or irritation, soak a cotton ball in the solution and place that directly on the wart for one minute a day, instead of submerging your whole hand.
Wait it Out
Warts, although contagious, are harmless. The average life cycle of a wart is one to two years, so if you have already had the wart for several months or longer, it may not be worth the time and money you will spend to remove it. Waiting out a wart is not dangerous, unless the wart is spreading to other areas of your body, like your face, your genital area or your mouth. If the wart is painful or getting in the way of your daily activities, contact your doctor who can surgically remove the wart or freeze it off with liquid nitrogen.