Hot Water Cure for Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are small growths that appear on the soles of your feet. The Mayo Clinic says they're most commonly found on pressure points such as the balls of your feet or your heels, although they can show up on other areas and even appear on the toes. They are usually hard and flat, with tiny black dots. The dots are actually clotted blood vessels.
Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HP) virus. It can get into your body through cuts or other breaks in the skin. When it enters in the area of your feet, you can develop a plantar wart. You can spread the warts around your feet and to other areas of your body, as well as to other people. Because of this, many people choose to treat their plantar warts to prevent them from spreading, even though they are harmless.
If you decide to treat your plantar warts with hot water, the Mayo Clinic says you will only need two materials: a roll of duct tape and an emery board or pumice stone. These will be used in conjunction with the hot water to treat your plantar warts.
To cure plantar warts with hot water, first cover the warts with a piece of duct tape and leave it on for a week. Then, remove the tape and soak your foot in the hot water for up to 15 minutes. After soaking, rub the warts with the pumice stone or emery board to remove any loose or dead skin. Put on a fresh piece of duct tape and repeat the process.
The Mayo Clinic says that a hot water cure for plantar warts can take up to two months to work. This is comparable to other treatments such as salicylic acid, which must often be applied for several weeks, or laser surgery, which often requires several sessions.
The Mayo Clinic says that a 2002 study found that the hot water and duct tape cure was more effective than freezing. Participants who used the tape and water managed to remove more warts than those who underwent conventional cryotherapy.