Home Remedies for Flat Hand Warts
What are Flat Warts?
Flat warts appear as small growths on the skin, usually about the size of a pin head. They often appear in clusters and can be pink, yellow or brown. Flat warts get their name from their flattened tops, giving them a different appearance than most other warts. They are contagious, so if you have flat warts take care to wash your hands frequently and avoid sharing personal care items like washcloths and towels.
Home Remedies for Flat Warts on Hands
The hands are one of the areas most commonly affected by flat warts. Many people find that doctor's office remedies and over-the-counter treatments just don't get rid of their flat hand warts. Fortunately, many home treatment options effectively and quickly take care of this unsightly problem.
Apple cider vinegar is a well-loved home remedy used around the world. Simply soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and attach the cotton ball to the wart using medical tape. Do this before bedtime and leave it on all night, then remove in the morning. The vinegar will cause some stinging, but the warts will die and slough off within a few days.
Potato juice is a wart remedy touted by old wives everywhere. The method suggested by older generations is to cut a potato in half, rub one piece over the wart and bury the other piece outside. However, the more modern method involves pulverizing a potato in a blender and applying the pulp to the warts. Hold the pulp on for 20-30 minutes every day until the warts dry up and fall off.
Many wart sufferers swear by the duct tape remedy, which was found in a study by Dr. Dean Focht to be more effective than cryotherapy for some warts. Simply cut a piece of duct tape to the size of the wart and apply the tape on top of the wart. Leave the tape on for six days, reapplying if the tape falls off. At the end of six days, remove the tape, soak the wart in warm water for 30 minutes, and gently file the top of the wart with a pumice stone or emery board. Then repeat the treatment until the wart is gone.
Simply taking care of your health can go a long way toward preventing and healing warts. Take a multivitamin and eat a balanced diet to protect your immune system and help your body resist the HPV flare-ups that cause warts.
Some wart sufferers apply substances like Super Glue or nail polish remover to cure their warts. While these treatments may be marginally successful for some people, be aware that these substances may harm the skin. Take care to avoid treatments that may actually damage your skin.