Home Remedies to Cure Genital Warts
Nearly one-third of genital warts go away on their own. Before using any home remedy, be sure to speak to your doctor, as some home treatments contain ingredients that may irritate the sensitive skin of the genital region.
Sitz Bath
A sitz bath is a bath especially designed to immerse the pelvic region in water, and are usually made to fit on top of a toilet or chair. Fill the bath with warm water and sit in it for 10 to 15 minutes per day. This will provide soothing relief to the area. Make sure to clean the bath thoroughly after every use.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is an extraction from a native Australian plant that has long been used by Aboriginees in Australia to treat skin conditions due to its antiseptic and antifungal properties. To treat a genital wart with tea tree oil, apply a few drops of tea tree oil before you go to sleep and cover the area with compress until morning. You can also make a solution that is 50/50 tea tree oil and water, soak a gauze bandage in it, squeeze out excess moisture, then apply the gauze bandage to the affected area overnight.
Vitamin E Oil and Garlic
Vitamin E oil can provide soothing relief for genital warts. Apply a few drops directly on the wart. Put raw garlic on top and seal with a bandage. Repeat and replace as needed for approximately one week. Be careful when removing the bandage as you don't want to tear the wart or the skin.
Eating a diet rich in bets-carotene and folic acid can help prevent and treat genital warts. Food high in beta-carotene and folic acid include dark leafy vegetables, as well squash, mango and tomatoes. A good rule of thumb is that if the fruit or vegetable is red, yellow or orange, it is a good source of beta-carotene and folic acid.
Important Notes
Due to the sensitivity of the genital area, it is important to consult your doctor whenever you get a genital wart. If any of home treatment causes irritation or discomfort, seek the advice of a doctor before continuing.
Also, remember that, though the wart may disappear, the underlying virus that causes genital warts does not go away, and warts may reappear.