Home Remedies for Removing Flat Facial Warts

Flat warts, which are known medically as "verruca plana," usually appears on the face, but they can also be present on the knees, hands or arms. The warts can spread to another person if touched, or they can be spread on the body of an already-infected person. Flat warts can be treated using several home remedies. If these home remedies don't work, see a doctor.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar is an acidic liquid that acts as an antiseptic for flat warts. It is the most inexpensive way to cure warts at home. The skin on your face is more sensitive than most of the skin on the rest of your body, so dilute two parts of apple cider vinegar with one part water and mix thoroughly. Drench a cotton ball in the mixture and dab it on your face three times a day. If you're still experiencing burning or pain from the apple cider vinegar, discontinue use. The warts should fade away within several weeks.

    Vitamin C Powder

    • Vitamin C powder is another acidic material that will burn through the wart. Vitamin C powder is available at grocery stores, health food stores, drugstores and online. Mix one tablespoon of vitamin C powder with several drops of water to create a thick paste. Dab the paste onto your face and leave it on until it dries---about 10 minutes. Wash your face with an oil-free cleanser, like Neutrogena Oil-Free Cleanser, and dry thoroughly. Repeat twice a day until the warts disappear.

    When to See a Doctor

    • Flat warts can spread and the more you pick at them or scratch them, the more warts will appear. If warts spread beyond your face and onto your hands, feet or other areas of your body, see a doctor, who can burn the warts off with liquid nitrogen.

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