Natural Cures for Plantar Warts
Hydrogen Peroxide
Apply hydrogen peroxide to the wart. This may burn. Put some on a swab and dab your wart. Your wart may fall off after the second or third application.
Castor Oil
Put one-half drop of castor oil on your wart twice daily and then cover the wart with a bandage or a piece of duct tape. Leave the cover on at all times except when you are putting on a new one. Do this for three weeks.
Aloe Vera
Purchase aloe vera gel or squeeze the gel out of a plant. Soak a cotton ball in the gel and tape the cotton ball in place over the wart. Add more gel every two or three hours. At the end of the day, discard the cotton ball and use a new one.
Vitamin E
Spread vitamin E oil over your wart on a daily basis until you see results. This has proved effective for some.
Food Cures
According to, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your wart every night will banish warts. You should see a difference in a week or two.
Cut an onion in half, scoop out the middle, and add one-half teaspoon of salt. Let the onion absorb the salt. This will take a couple of hours. When the salt has been absorbed into the onion, place the onion on your wart. Do this several times each day.
Rub your wart with potato peelings or a radish.
Put apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball, apply the saturated cotton ball to the wart, and cover it with a bandage or duct tape.
Slice a pineapple and hold it against the wart.
Duct Tape and Elmer's Glue
Cover the wart with duct tape, which smothers it. It may take weeks for this to work. Even the Mayo Clinic acknowledges that there is merit to this method. Another option is to put Elmer's glue on your wart.