Remedy for Filiform Warts
1. Prepare a paste of baking soda and water and apply the paste to the wart three times a day. In a few days you will see the wart begin to dry up. 2. Try soaking a cotton ball in aloe gel and taping over the wart. Repeat this process three times a day and the wart should begin to dry up in about five days. 3. Rubbing wood ash into the wart dries up the wart but this leaves the skin smudged and will make the wart appear darker. If repeated daily, the wart should begin to disappear in about five days. 4. When in season, rub the milk sap from the stem of a Dandelion over the wart two to three times a day and the wart will begin to dry up in about five days.
Medical Treatments
Filiform warts are very common around the neck and when clothing is constantly rubbing against the wart, it can become painful and irritated. A physician can be consulted to determine if the wart can be removed. Common procedures for removing warts are with electrocautery and laser treatments (burning off the wart) or using a chemical substance to burn off the wart. Your physician would make the recommendations after his consultation, and would take into consideration that the roots would also need to be treated or the wart would begin to grow back.
Spreading the Virus
Filiform warts are contagious because they are a microscopic virus that infects the skin and can be passed by a simple cut on the hand touching the wart, picking up the virus and transferring it to another part of the body or to another person. The wart can also be spread by sharing bath linens, cosmetics or anything coming into direct contact with the wart if it were to have a minor cut or scratch.