How to Take Garlic Pills to Get Rid of Warts
Consider consulting a physician prior to taking garlic as a wart treatment. There are several reasons for this; most importantly, some types of warts indicate more serious infections than others, as the human papillomavirus that causes warts has more than 100 strains. Warts are also contagious, so time is of the essence when treating them, although garlic treatments make take weeks to fully remove warts.
Purchase a bottle of garlic tablets or capsules from any drug store or vitamin store. These are available without a prescription, but they come in various concentrations. A pill containing 250-mg to 300-mg of garlic extract is appropriate for adults.
Take the pill as directed on the bottle until the warts disappear completely. It is important to defer to the supplement manufacturer's dosing directions, since dosages vary depending on the garlic extract concentration of your particular supplement.
Consult a physician if you do not observe noticeable improvement after two weeks. Though some slight discomfort is usually involved, most physicians can freeze warts with liquid nitrogen during a routine office visit.