Tricks to Get Rid of a Plantar's Wart

Plantar's warts can crop up on the bottoms of your feet and toes. They are not dangerous, but they're often painful, so you may want to get rid of them before they go away on their own. Plantar's warts can be stubborn, but fortunately you can try several remedies to get rid of them. Some take awhile to work, but if you use them consistently, you should get relief from the warts.
  1. Salicylic Acid

    • Salicylic acid is one of the most commonly used methods for treating plantar's warts. It can be purchased in drug and grocery stores in liquid or patch form. The acid must be applied every day, and you should remove dead skin with a pumice stone or nail file between each application. It generally takes several weeks for salicylic acid to completely remove a plantar wart.


    • Freezing used to be limited to doctors' offices, but now this treatment can be done at home. You can purchase a wart freezing kit at most drug and grocery stores. It generally takes several sessions to get rid of the wart, because the home freezing solution is not as strong as the type used by physicians.

    Vitamin A

    • According to eMedicine Health, you can use liquid Vitamin A to remove a plantar's wart. Apply the liquid to the wart every day by opening a capsule and squeezing it onto the affected area. This method can take several months.

    Duct Tape

    • Plain old duct tape may be the answer. The Mayo Clinic cites a 2002 study that showed duct tape to be a good wart removal technique. For best results, cut the tape to size, cover the wart and leave it on for a week. Remove the tape, soak your foot in warm water, then scrape the wart with a pumice stone or nail file. Apply a new piece of tape and repeat the process if needed. This method could take up to two months to totally remove the wart.

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