The Best Ways to Get Rid of a Wart
Treatment #1
Warts can be treated naturally with ordinary household items. Soaking the wart in apple cider vinegar is effective to remove warts. Distilled white vinegar works well, too. Another option is to soak with acidic juice from a lemon, lime, or grapefruit. If you are not able to soak the warts, you may apply solution to warts with a cotton ball. Cover with a bandage to seal out oxygen and prevent from spreading.
Treatment #2
Make a paste with a tablet of either 100 percent aspirin, or a vitamin C tablet and water and apply to the warts. Cover with bandage as with other treatments. Castor oil and baking powder can also be made into a paste for the removal of warts.
Treatment #3
Herbal remedies are also used to treat warts in the home. Aloe vera is effective to remove warts. Other natural remedies include a fig mask, tea tree oil, garlic, potatoes and grapefruit seed extract. Any of these remedies not only contribute to the health of your body, but also improve the functioning and protection provided by the immune system.
Treatment #4
Over-the-counter medications are available in the local pharmacy to treat warts. Liquid, patch, and freezing medications can be easily used at home by following the included instructions. Dr. Scholl's, a reputable name in wart removal medications, produces a wide variety of medications.
Treatment #5
Treatment can be sought from a physician for the treatment of warts. The doctor can perform a procedure with liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart. Once the wart has been frozen, it is removed. The doctor typically sends the removed sample in for testing to be sure it is not cancerous..
When someone in your home gets a wart, check all other household members and treat everyone at once and keep the wart covered. Treating everyone will help to prevent spreading and decrease the chances of recurrence. Be sure the wart is completely removed after the removal treatment. You should see pink, healthy skin when the scab falls off with no bumps or seeds. If you do see the "seeds," continue treating the warts until they are gone.