Warts Cure
Liquid Nitrogen
Although this method is not a do-it-yourself one, it will cure most warts. Your doctor will apply liquid nitrogen to your wart in a series of two or three visits in an effort to freeze the wart. In some cases, it can be quite painful. Most warts will simply fall off after that time period. If not, further treatment is necessary.
Another method your doctor may use is applying canthardin on your wart. This treatment is completely painless at the time of treatment, but you will feel pain and blistering afterward. You will make an appointment to see a doctor for a follow up visit, where he will remove the rest of the wart.
The duct tape method is a tried and true DIY wart cure. Although it may not work for all warts (such as warts that are too large or deep or with too many in a concentrated area), it is still worth a shot. Simply look for an over-the-counter wart treatment that contains salicylic acid. Apply it to your wart and then apply duct tape. Each time you take a shower, slowly take the tape off and pumice the wart with a pumice stone. Dry it off after your shower and reapply the treatment and duct tape until the wart is gone.
Often a last resort, a quick surgery might be necessary to completely remove the wart, especially if it is large or deep or resistant to other treatment. Your doctor will deaden your skin with a topical anesthetic (which usually does involve a needle). After letting it set, he will then use a laser or a surgical knife to cut the wart out. He will then bandage the area. If it is on your foot, you may have to wear a special shoe or rely on crutches for a couple of days after the procedure.