Natural Way to Remove a Wart Around a Fingernail
Warts are typically caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can be contracted through a handshake or any other skin to skin contact. The virus finds i's way into the bloodstream through a small opening or cut in the skin. Several natural treatments can be used to treat warts on the hands and around the fingernails.-
Food Remedies
Wrapping the affected area with banana peels and covering the it can aid in the removal of warts. You may also apply to or soak warts in an acidic juices such as lemon, lime or grapefruit. Soaking the hand in apple cider or white distilled vinegar can remove warts around the fingernails. Garlic cloves are an efficient remedy, whether sliced, made into a paste or taken in a capsule.
Other Topical Treatments
Making a paste of vitamin C (crushed) or 100 percent aspirin and water is another topical treatments for warts. Tea tree oil and aloe vera also aid in removing warts. Milky sap, found in plants such as dandelions, milkweed and poinsettias, are other application suggestions for wart removal.
An Odd Remedy
- suggests duct tape as an effective treatment for wart removal. The tape locks out moisture and air, killing the wart. When the tape is removed, it also removes the top layer of the wart. Leave it uncovered at night to allow the area to breathe. Reapply the tape again in the morning and continue this process until the wart is completely removed.