Wart Removal: The Duct Tape Method
Items Needed
The only item needed for this home remedy treatment is duct tape; no chemicals or medicines need to be applied. Duct tape is available in colors other than the standard gray, which is preferred by people who need treatment on visible areas such as the hand.
Cover the wart with a piece of of duct tape. For fingers, wrap the tape around the finger like a bandage. After six days, remove the duct tape and soak the wart. Rub the wart with a pumice stone or emery board to remove any loose skin flakes. Keep the stone or board separate from others that you use, as you don't want to introduce the wart virus to other parts of the body. Keep the wart uncovered overnight to dry out the area. Repeat in the morning for another six days. Repeat the process until the wart has disappeared.
How it Works
The exact reasoning behind why duct tape works is not known. The theory is that the duct tape pulls off active wart cells during the treatment, thus reducing the size of the wart. Another theory suggest that using duct tape causes skin irritation, making the body's immune system focus on the area. These are not proven reasons.
Duct Tape wart treatment on the feet will leave a sticky residue in your socks. Keep this in mind when choosing socks to wear. Duct Tape does not stay adhered to bare feet in sandals and flip flops as the feet sweat and rub in the shoes.