Wart Removal Healing Techniques
Duct Tape Wart Removal
Using duct tape is a common home treatment for wart removal. Place a small piece of duct tape over the wart. Remove duct tape after six days. Clean the area with warm, soapy water. File the wart with an emery board. Allow the area to rest for one to three days. Repeat the process until the wart is removed and the area healed.
Over The Counter Medications
Look on your local drug store's shelves. The majority of wart-removal products contain salicylic acid. You have the option of liquids, sprays or even freezing compounds. It's important to follow the specific instructions found on the packaging for these products to avoid spreading the warts or injuring the skin area.
Freezing Warts
Schedule an appointment with a local dermatologist. Discuss the option of freezing the warts. Liquid nitrogen will completely remove the warts in an in-office procedure. After several weeks, the treatment is repeated for returning warts.
The same procedure can now be done at home with over-the-counter liquid nitrogen freezing compounds. However, you run the risk of burning or freezing the skin area around the warts.
Chemical Removal of Warts
Cantharidin is a chemical that kills the HPV and blisters the wart area. A licensed dermatologist applies the cantharidin to the wart. Several days later, the dermatologist removes the dead skin and wart. The dermatologist usually scrapes and cuts the area to do this.
Surgical Removal
Surgical removal is the least popular way to remove warts. A licensed dermatologist cuts the wart off the skin. A local anesthesia is used. Stitches aren't required. There can be a slight scarring with this method. This is an in-office procedure.
Laser Removal
Laser removal of warts is painless. A licensed dermatologist uses a laser instrument to burn the wart off the skin. This method is seldom used because of the expense and potential for slight scarring. This is an in-office procedure without any local anesthesia, because it is a painless procedure.