Home Remedies for Plantar Wart Removal
When you're exposed to certain strains of the human papillomavirus, you can develop what is known as plantar warts, which are small growths that forms on the sole of your foot. For most people, these warts often arise on the ball or heel of the feet. This is largely due to the contact the average foot makes with the ground. When you walk, most surface contact is made within these areas. However, a plantar wart could develop almost anywhere along the underside of the foot and even on or between the toes. Fortunately, home remedies exist for plantar warts.-
Standard Over-The-Counter Remedies
While you still may want to consider heading to your doctor's office to have the wart removed, nonprescription wart removers can effectively treat many cases of plantar warts. If you plan on going this route, pick up a wart remover that contains a 40 percent solution of salicylic acid. All over-the-counter wart removers should list the exact percentage of this compound on the packaging.
To remove the warts, apply the ointment directly to the growth anywhere between one or two times a day. The salicylic acid should essentially remove the wart layer by layer, so make sure you use the medicated solution with some consistency. As you continue to use the solution, periodically remove the dead wart tissue. Pumice stones work great for this, but feel free to try another product if you so desire. For most people, it takes weeks or even months to fully remove the plantar warts.
If you'd rather not apply an acid to your skin, you can also try to freeze the warts with products containing dimethyl ether and propane. While this type of product isn't as effective as salicylic acid, it can work with some cases of plantar warts. To use this form of treatment, soak the affected foot for about 5 minutes in a tub of warm water and then pumice the skin above the wart. Apply the solution with the applicator for around 20 seconds until the wart is "frozen." Don't reapply for a few days, as one application may have killed the wart.
Duct Tape
Surprisingly, it is possible to remedy a case of plantar warts with duct tape. With this form of treatment, tape the affected area with a layer or two of duct tape for six days in a row. If the duct tape falls off during this course of time, just re-tape the area. On the seventh day, soak the affected foot in a tub of warm water and pumice the wart. Continue to follow this regimen until the wart is removed.