HPV Treatment for Warts
Podofilox 0.5% prevents cells from reproducing by interrupting mitosis, thereby gradually killing the wart virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Podofilox can be applied two times a day for three days, and then be followed by four days of no treatment. If the wart does not disappear, the treatment can begin again, following the same regimen up to four more times. The wart should be no bigger than 10 square centimeters if this treatment method is to work.
Trichloracetic and Bichloroacetic Acid
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or bichloroacetic acid (BCA) can be used at 80 percent to 90 percent strength to remove warts. Because of the liquid consistency of these caustic medications, it is necessary to apply them carefully to avoid contact with unaffected skin. Remove the medication with soap and water after 24 to 48 hours. This product can be applied on a weekly basis for wart removal.
Imiquimod in a five percent solution acts to kill the wart by causing the immune system to respond to the infected area. Imiquimod in a five percnt strength is most effective when applied before going to bed and can be used three times per week for three months. Imiquimod needs to be washed off after no more than 10 hours.
Over the Counter
Purchase an over the counter wart remover for visible warts. If the wart is in an area where it is not possible to apply a bandage, try a over the counter (OTC) cryosurgery kit to freeze the wart. These may take several applications and may need to be followed with a liquid wart remover that contains salicylic acid.
Cryotherapy involves freezing the wart in a doctor's office or by using an over-the-counter treatment. This causes the viral cells to burst, effectively killing them and stopping the spread of the virus. Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the wart and cause the virus to die. It usually has to be done every week or more to ensure the virus is completely gone.
Surgical Removal
Warts can be removed surgically by cutting them off with scissors, or shaving. This is done in a doctors office under local anesthesia. In addition, curettage might be used as a wart removal method.This may result in some scarring depending on the depth of the wart.
Wart removal often requires several treatments using any of the above methods. To ensure wart removal is complete, it is necessary to see a doctor to evaluate whether the virus still exists in the affected area. TCA and BCA wart removal methods have not been investigated thoroughly by the FDA and should be used with caution and on a limited basis. Surgical treatment is the most effective wart removal method, but does have some drawbacks, including possible scarring. New methods for wart removal include laser incision and electrocautery. These methods help to prevent any scarring that might occur with traditional surgical methods.