Folk Remedies for Wart Removal
Warts are unsightly tumors that vary in type and location on the body. Typically caused by the Human Papillomavirus virus (HPV), they can easily spread from one person to another through simple contact. They can also be contracted through the shared use of clothing and towels. Some warts can be painful, whereas others are merely embarrassing. Regardless of the case, folk remedies for wart removal have been around for years, and some are very effective in removing tumors from the skin.-
Duct Tape
Duct tape is one of most effective folk remedies for wart removal. The rubber adhesive in the tape provokes the immune system, as it irritates the skin in a different manner as the wart. Place a small piece of duct tape over the wart. Change the piece with each bath or shower. When done on a daily basis, this method can remove a wart in 1 week.
Garlic and Vitamin E
Puncture a vitamin E capsule and apply the contents directly onto the wart. Ground up a clove of garlic and rub the powder into the Vitamin E on the affected area. Cover with a bandage for 24 hours. This may cause a blister to form, but both the blister and the wart should be gone in approximately 7 days.
Vitamin C
Crush 2 to 3 vitamin C capsules in a bowl and mix the powder with warm water to form a paste. Apply the paste directly to the wart with a cotton ball. Avoid getting the mixture on healthy skin, as it can be highly irritating. Vitamin C aids in wart removal by killing the virus that originally formed the abrasion.
Castor Oil
Apply a tiny drop of Castor oil to the wart and cover it with a bandage. Remove the bandage, wash the affected area and reapply the Castor oil and bandage. Do this 3 times per day. It may take the oil up to 7 days to completely dissolve the wart.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak the affected area in apple cider vinegar and then cover it with a bandage. Do this twice per day. Clean the wart each time you remove the bandage. In place of a bandage, you can tape a lemon or banana peel to the wart. These peels can naturally help the wart dissolve, as well as act as a cushion while it heals.